
Summer Program Seminars 2006

Tuesday, July 25, 2006 @ 10:00AM
Cullimore Hall, Room 611
New Jersey Institute of Technology


Mathematical Models for Single and Multi-neuronal Systems

Yu Zhang

Department of Mathematical Sciences

New Jersey Institute of Technology

Newark, New Jersey





Qualitative features of the dynamics of excitable/oscillatory processes are shared by different neuronal models, and these features are expressed in models for single cell behavior as well as for ensemble activity. The aim of my summer project is to construct different computational models to simulate the biological behavior of single/multi-neuronal systems. There will be three sections in my presentation:

  1. Phenomenology of single neuronal activity: Analyzing three different membrane potential behaviors of a single-neuron model -- Tonic Spiking, Plateauing and Bursting -- by making three Hodgkin-Huxley models.

  2. Construction of AB-PD-LP neuronal system of the stomatogastric ganglion (STG),based on the known Electrically coupled AB-PD model and LP model.

  3. Cable Theory and its application to Dendritic Trees.