Spring 2016

Seminars are held on Thursdays in Cullimore Hall. For questions about the seminar schedule, please contact Antai Wang.

Date: April 28, 2015

Speaker: Yan Ma
Department of  Epidemiology and Biostatistics,
George Washington University

University Profile

Title: "The HCUP SID Imputation Project"


The State Inpatient Databases (SID) contain the universe of the inpatient discharge abstracts from hospitals in the U.S., thus providing a unique platform for a broad range of research in healthcare and medicine. As with any large scale data collection effort, the SID have a moderate amount of missing data in several patient-level variables. This study aims at identifying appropriate imputation methods for SID. To accomplish this aim, a novel simulation study was performed to compare four imputation methods (random draw, hot deck, joint multiple imputation [MI], conditional MI) for missing data from continuous, ordered categorical, and unordered categorical variables in the SID. The simulation was built on real data from the SID to retain their hierarchical data structures and missing data patterns. Additional predictive information from the U.S. Census and American Hospital Association (AHA) database was incorporated into the imputation.