Spring 2016

Seminars are held at 11:30AM in Cullimore Hall, Room 611, unless noted otherwise. For questions about the seminar schedule, please contact Casey Diekman.

Date: February 23, 2016

Speaker: Robert McDougal
Department of Neurobiology,
Yale University

Speaker Profile

Title: "Neuron Strategies for the Simulation and Visualization of Spatial Mathematical Neuroscience Models"


The human brain is a complex dynamical system that performs massively parallel calculations using subsystems functioning at multiple spatial scales: from molecular interactions to the combined activity of its 100 billion neurons. Animal and mathematical models are used as tools to seek understanding of the underlying processes for brain functioning. Due to the inherent complexity of the system, studying mathematical neuroscience models typically requires extensive computational infrastructure; fortunately, this infrastructure does not need to be developed for each model. It is freely available through tools like NEURON and related resources. We discuss NEURON's strategies for constructing and simulating morphologically detailed neuron and network models. NEURON's reaction-diffusion interface was used to show the effects of the distribution of IP3R and SERCA pumps on the propagation of intracellular calcium waves in pyramidal neurons. A graphical interface for exploring this and hundreds of other NEURON models is available through ModelDB's ModelView tool.