Spring 2016

Colloquia are held on Fridays at 11:30 a.m. in Cullimore Lecture Hall II, unless noted otherwise. Refreshments are served at 11:30 am. For questions about the seminar schedule, please contact Yassine Boubendir.

Date: April 4, 2016

Speaker: Dmitry Golovaty
Department of Mathematics,
The University of Akron

University Profile

Title: "On the Landau-de Gennes Model for Nematic Liquid Crystalline Films"


I will present the Gamma-convergence result describing the behavior of the Landau-de Gennes model for a nematic liquid crystalline film in the limit of vanishing thickness. I will outline some basic ideas of modeling of liquid crystals, the main steps of the dimension reduction proof, and then discuss the limiting problem in several parameter regimes. This is a joint work with Alberto Montero and Peter Sternberg.