Spring 2015

Seminars are held on Thursdays in Cullimore Hall. For questions about the seminar schedule, please contact Antai Wang.

Date: March 12, 2015

Speaker: Mengling Liu
Departments of Population Health and Environmental Medicine,
New York University School of Medicine

University Profile

Title: "Identification of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Variables in Pooled Cohort Studies"


Pooled analyses utilize data from multiple studies and intend to achieve a large sample size for increased statistical power. When heterogeneity exists in variables’ effects across studies, the simple pooling strategy fails to present a fair and complete picture of the effects of heterogeneous variables. Thus, it is important to investigate the homogeneous and heterogeneous structure of variables in pooled studies. In this talk, I will present our recent work on using composite penalty regularized likelihood approaches to identifying variables with heterogeneous effects in pooled studies. The methods will be demonstrated using numerical simulations and real study applications.