Spring 2015
Seminars are held on Mondays from 1:30 - 2:30PM in Cullimore Hall, Room 611, unless noted otherwise. For questions about the seminar schedule, please contact David Shirokoff.
Date | Speaker and Title | Host |
March 2 | Nawaf Bou-Rabee, Rutgers Camden
Continuous Time Random Walks for the Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations |
Yuan-Nan Young |
March 30 | Kamel Riahi, NJIT A Robust Inversion Method for Quantitative 3D Shape Reconstruction from Coaxial Eddy-current Measurements |
Catalin Turc |
April 6 | Anand Oza, NYU - Courant A Trajectory Equation for Walking Droplets: Hydrodynamic Pilot-Wave Theory |
David Shirokoff |
April 13 | Dong Zhou, Temple University/ MIT High-order Methods for a Pressure Poisson Equation Reformulation of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations |
David Shirokoff |
April 20 | Lise-Marie Imbert-Gerard, NYU - Courant Direct Scattering by Penetrable Media |
Catalin Turc |
April 27 | Emilie Dressaire, NYU - Polytechnic Interfacial Responses to Mechanical Forcings |
Lou Kondic |
May 4 | Tony Gao Modeling and Simulation in Complex Fluids: From Passive to Active Systems |
David Shirokoff |