Spring 2015

Colloquia are held on Fridays at 11:30 a.m. in Cullimore Lecture Hall II, unless noted otherwise. Refreshments are served at 11:30 am. For questions about the seminar schedule, please contact Yassine Boubendir.

Date: February 13, 2015

Speaker: Hakima Bessaih
Department of Mathematics,
University of Wyoming

University Profile

Title: "The Effect of Noise on Data Assimilation and Porous Media"


In this talk, we will discuss the effect of noise in two different set- tings, the data assimilation and the homogenization of some problems related to porous media.

Data assimilation is a process of incorporating observational data into a model in order to obtain better predictions given the knowledge of the current system. Here, we analyze the performance of a data- assimilation algorithm based on a linear feedback control when used with observational data that contains measurement errors which are represented by a stochastic noise. Our model consists of dynamics gov- erned by the two-dimension incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. The observational measurements are given by finite volume elements or nodal points of the velocity field.

A porous medium is a material containing pores or obstacles and is characterized by its porosity and permeability. We will discuss here some examples when the medium is filled with a fluid and how to use the noise on the boundary of the pores in order to affect the permeability of the medium.