Fall 2016
Colloquia are held on Fridays at 11:30 a.m. in Cullimore Lecture Hall II, unless noted otherwise. Refreshments are served at 11:30 am. For questions about the seminar schedule, please contact Yassine Boubendir.
To join the Applied Mathematics Colloquium mailing list visit https://groups.google.com/a/njit.edu/forum/?hl=en#!forum/math-colloquium/join (Google Profile required). To join the mailing list without a Google Profile, submit the seminar request form.
Date |
Speaker and Title |
Host |
September 9 |
Rolf Ryham, Fordham University
Explicit Stokes Flows for a Moving Internal Boundary with Applications to Pore Dynamics in Liposomes |
Yuan-Nan Young |
September 16 |
Stephen Wiggins, University of Bristol
Roaming: Dynamical Reaction Pathways in Phase Space |
Denis Blackmore |
September 23 |
Shawn Walker, Louisiana State University
A Structure Preserving Discretization For The Ericksen Model With Colloidal Effects and External Fields |
David Shirokoff |
September 30 |
Ehud Yariv, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Electrohydrodynamic Flows Under Strong Electric Fields |
Michael Siegel |
October 7 |
Chi-Wang Shu, Brown University
Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Convection Dominated Partial Differential Equations |
Yassine Boubendir |
October 14 |
Georg Stadler, New York University
Computational Methods for Bayesian Inverse Problems Governed |
Brittany Froese |
October 21 |
Eva A. Kanso, USC
Active and Driven Crystals in Confined Microfluidic Channels |
Yuan-nan Young |
October 28 |
Mike Siegel, NJIT
A Local Target-Specific QBX Method for Laplace's Equation in 3D Multiply-Connected Domains |
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November 4 |
Tim Sauer, George Mason University
Density Estimation and Topology from Data |
Casey Diekman |
November 11 |
Vianey Villamizar, Brigham Young University
Exact Local Absorbing Boundary Conditions in Terms of Farfield Expansions |
Michael Booty |
November 18 |
Horacio Rotstein, NJIT
Inhibition-Based Resonance in a Hippocampal CA1 Network: A Modeling Study |
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December 2 |
Shuwang Li, IIT
An Efficient Rescaling Scheme for Computing Moving Interface Problems |
Michael Siegel |