Fall 2015

Seminars are held on Thursdays in Cullimore Hall. For questions about the seminar schedule, please contact Antai Wang.

Date: October 22, 2015

Speaker: Sunil Dhar
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
New Jersey Institute of Technology

University Profile

Title: "Studying the Optimal Scheduling for Controlling Prostate Cancer under Intermittent Androgen Suppression"


This research is a retrospective study based upon the publicly accessed clinical data. We observe that the majority of the patients’ correlation between PSA and that of Testosterone during the on-treatment period is at least 0.90. This suggests that during the ON treatment period, testosterone can be used as a surrogate variable to PSA. This research provides model based duration calculations that can be used to control PSA levels during off treatment. There are four models developed in two pairs. In one pair, the generalized linear model and mixture model are both used to analyze the variability of PSA at the individual patient level by taking the variable named patient id as a repeated measure. In the second pair, patient id is not used as a repeated measure but additional baseline variables are included to analyze the variability of PSA.