Fall 2015

Seminars are held on Thursdays in Cullimore Hall. For questions about the seminar schedule, please contact Antai Wang.

Date: November 19, 2015

Speaker: Kelly H. Zou
Statistical Center for Outcomes, Real-World & Aggregate Data,
Pfizer, Inc.

Organization Profile

Title: "ROC Analysis, Classification Methods, and Comparative Effectiveness Research"


With the growing focus on comparative effectiveness research and personalized medicine, receiver-operating characteristic analysis can continue to play an important role in health care decision making. Specific applications of receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) analysis include predictive model assessment and validation, biomarker diagnostics, responder analysis in patient-reported outcomes, and comparison of alternative treatment options. We present several applications of the method and briefly review several relevant extensions. Given the level of attention paid to biomarker validation, personalized medicine and comparative effectiveness research, it is highly likely that ROC analysis remains as an important visual and analytic tool for medical research and evidence-based medicine in the foreseeable future.

(Coauthor: Demissie Alemayehu, Pfizer Inc and Department of Statistics, Columbia University.)