Fall 2015

Seminars are held on Tuesdays at 11:30AM in Cullimore Hall, Room 611, unless noted otherwise. For questions about the seminar schedule, please contact Casey Diekman.

Date: November 17, 2015

Speaker: William Lytton
Physiology and Pharmacology Department,
SUNY Downstate Medical Center

University Profile

Title: "Schizophrenia, Information Flow-Through and Minimal Perturbations: Simulation Studies in the Brain"


Multiscale modeling has arisen as a focus of computational systems biology, with the realization that genomes, proteomes, interactomes, connectomes, etceteromes, will only become comprehensible once placed in the context of explicit computer simulations. Measurements and activity patterns at one scale must be understood dynamically in the context of patterns at higher and lower scales. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the domain of brain disease, where manipulations at molecular levels (drugs) are used to change, licitly or illicitly, behavior and thought. We have begun to study schizophrenia using simulation tools, starting with a model of how the drug ketamine makes people psychotic.