Mathematical Biology * Mathematical Fluid Dynamics * Acoustics * Applied Statistics * Biostatistics * Electromagnetics * Waves  





This conference is the fifth in a series of annual conferences that have been organized by the Department of Mathematical Sciences and the Center for Applied Mathematics and Statistics at NJIT and supported by a University Strategic Initiative.


This year’s conference also will celebrate the 75th birthday of Daljit S. Ahluwalia.


Our focus will be Mathematical Biology (including Mathematical Neuroscience, Developmental Biology, and Ecology), Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, Applied Statistics and Biostatistics, Electromagnetics/Waves, and Acoustics. There will be Plenary Sessions, parallel invited minisymposia, and poster sessions.


Contributed Papers and Travel Awards:

Applications are solicited for contributed talks from postdoctoral fellows and graduate students. Selected applicants will receive full travel expense reimbursement. Applicants should email an abstract and CV to by April 7, 2008. Applications will be processed immediately and selection decisions will be announced by April 14, 2008. Other contributed papers for the Conference will be presented as posters. Funds are available for partial travel expense reimbursement for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty poster presenters. Travel support is anticipated from NSF and SMB. The deadline for all applications and submission of titles and short abstracts is April 7, 2008. Underrepresented groups, minorities, and women are encouraged to apply for travel support. Contributed Papers Screening Committee: Pam Cook (University of Delaware), Linda Cummings (University of Nottingham), and Denis Blackmore (NJIT). Travel Awards Committee: Pam Cook (University of Delaware), Zoi-Heleni Michalopoulou (NJIT), and Sunil Dhar (NJIT).


Our first four conferences were major applied and computational mathematics conferences. See:

Organizing Committee:

Manish Bhattacharjee, Amitabha Bose, Gregory A. Kriegsmann,
Zoi-Heleni Michalopoulou, Robert M. Miura, Demetrius Papageorgiou,
and Michael Siegel (Chair).