MATH 138 Course Syllabus - SUMMER  2013

NJIT Academic Integrity CODE:  All Students should be aware that the Department of Mathematical Sciences takes the University Code on Academic Integrity at NJIT very seriously and enforces it strictly.  This means that there must not be any forms of plagiarism, i.e., copying of homework, class projects, or lab assignments, or any form of cheating in quizzes and exams.  Under the University Code on Academic Integrity, students are obligated to report any such activities to the Instructor.


Math 138:  General Calculus I


Number of Credits:  3


Course Description:  This course is intended for students who are not in Science or in Engineering and is an introduction to differential and integral calculus of a single variable. Effective From: Spring 2009.

Prerequisites:  Math 107 with a grade of C or better, or Math 109 with a grade of C or better or Math 101 with a grade of C or better or Math 110 with a grade of C or better, or placement by performance on standardized entrance examinations


Textbook:  'Calculus: Concepts and Contexts' 4th edition by James Stewart ISBN-13: 978-0-495-55742-5

 Instructor:   (for specific course-related information, follow the link below)


Math 138-141

Prof. Burris


Grading Policy:  The final grade in this course will be determined as follows: 



Two Quizzes:


Class Participation:


Midterm Exam:


Final Exam:


Your final letter grade will be based on the following tentative curve. This curve may be adjusted slightly at the end of the semester. NOTE:  This course needs to be passed with a grade of C or better in order to proceed to Math 238 or Math 246.

















Quizzes: There will be a quiz at the beginning of every class. There are no make-up quizzes.

Project: The topic and due date of the project will be given later in the semester.

Drop Date:  Please note that the University Drop Date June 20, 2013 deadline will be strictly enforced.

Calculators:  Calculators are NOT PERMITTED in this course.

Attendance:  Students must attend all classes to absorb the needed knowledge.Tardiness to class is disruptive to the instructor and students. Each student should have contact to several fellow contacts in case they have missed a class.  You are responsible for everything that happens in class whether or not you are present. Attendance at all classes will be recorded and is mandatory. Please make sure you read and fully understand the Department’s Attendance Policy. This policy will be strictly enforced.

Exams:  There will be two midterm exams and one comprehensive final exam during the semester.
The final exam will test your knowledge of all the course material taught in the entire course. Make sure you read and fully understand the department's to Examination Policy. This policy will be strictly enforced. Please note that calculators, cellular phones, beepers, and all other electronic devices may not be used during any exam.

Makeup Exam Policy:  No make-up quizzes or EXAMS will be given.  In the event the Final Exam is not taken, under rare circumstances where the student has a legitimate reason for missing the final exam, a makeup exam will be administered by the math department. In any case the student must notify the Math Department Office and the Instructor that the exam will be missed and present written verifiable proof of the reason for missing the exam, e.g., a doctors note, police report, court notice, etc., clearly stating the date AND time of the mitigating problem.

Further Assistance:  For further questions, students should contact their instructor. All instructors have regular office hours during the week. These office hours are listed at the link above by clicking on the Instructor’s name. Teaching Assistants are also available in the math learning center.

Cellular Phones:  All cellular phones and beepers must be switched off during all class times.



All DMS students must familiarize themselves with and adhere to the Department of Mathematical Sciences Course Policies, in addition to official university-wide policies. DMS takes these policies very seriously and enforces them strictly. For DMS Course Policies, please click here.

May 28, 2013


Full Summer Session Begins

May 30, 2013


Last Day To Register For Full Semester Course

May 27, 2013


Memorial Day ~ University Closed

June 20, 2013


Last Day To Withdraw  from  this Course

July 4, 2013


July 4th Holiday ~ University Closed

July  18, 2013


Final Exam


Course Outline and Homework Assignments:


Tentative Class Schedule:



Date Topic
29-May Introduction to Math 138.   Review rules of exponents, factoring, long division, and simplification of rational functions.  Conversions of linear, area and volume measurements between metric and U.S. customary units.
5-Jun Crocodile Enclosure problem.  Circle-head window problem.  
10-Jun Sliding Ladder Problem.  Boat approaching dock problem.  Review for first exam.
12-Jun Review for First Exam.      FIRST EXAM on JUNE 12
17-Jun Review First Exam. Conic sections: The parabola, circle and ellipse.  Graph the ellipse.
19-Jun Graph the Gardener’s Ellipse.  Maximum area of a rectangular carpet which can fit into an elliptical office problem.
20-Jun Last day to withdraw with honor.
24-Jun Elliptical arch surmounting two stone pillars at estate entrance problem.  Right cylindroid topped by full prolate semi-spheroid problem.
26-Jun Graphing a linear function and a parabola.   Area under a curve.  The definite integral.
1-Jul Using integration to find the area between two curves.  Review for Second Exam.
3-Jul Review for second exam. SECOND EXAM on JULY 3
8-Jul Review Second Exam. Designing a sump pump tank from a single sheet of thermoplastic problem.  Net Change Theorem:  Marginal cost of manufacturing x yards of a certain fabric.
10-Jul Partial fraction decomposition.  Logarithms and their use in the Richter Scale for earthquake measurement


FINAL EXAM on JULY 17, 2013

This syllabus is subject to change due to the instructor’s perception of students’ understanding of concepts presented in class, and for arbitrary and capricious reasons.


Prepared By:  Prof. Douglas Burris

Last revised:  May 21, 2013

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